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Please Help Save the Life of this Mother



No child should have to go through life without loving parents. Every being and specifically their life belongs to God. Therefore, life is something of great importance and has meaning and significance because we are attached to some goals which we do not consider trivial and in that sense these goals are obtainable for us. In declaring that one’s life is worthwhile in the objective sense, one is saying that he or she is attached to certain goals which are both attainable and of optimistic value. To let things advance is enlightenment. Humans are outstanding because they are astonishing and extraordinary beings with amazing physical and extraordinary talents. Cognition of the magnitude of a human being allows us to enjoy wisdom, discernment, insight, discretion, knowledge, will power, conscience, love, perfectionism and management. Human life is so important that it has always attracted the attention of scholars and philosophers. The most important principle of human rights is the right to life. There are no other rights for humankind without the right to life. According to Article III of the Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person, and this right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her life. #RandolphHarris 1 of 6

One institution that is found in any society is the family. Family is an integral part of everyone’s house. In some societies, the common units are the small groups made up of parents and children (called nuclear or primary families) and larger groups (called the extended or secondary family), which also includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. Before the turn of the century, most Americans and Canadians lives in extended families—either several generations within the same house, or several sub-units, each living in a nearby house. However, today, the households of most people in North American include only the nuclear family. Urbanization and the Industrial Revolution have been responsible for the change. The number of farmer decreased and the number of those in factory and office jobs grew enormously. As individual’s job became more important to them, people were more willing to move away from home town and family ties and establish an independent life. This trend has had an important effect in reducing the socializing influences of the extended family, which often continued strongly throughout the whole life of a rural adult. #RandolphHarris 2 of 6

Originally, the family served as almost a self-contained society. Perhaps one of the reasons for the immense popularity of the film “The Godfather.” That sort of solidarity and support is strangely attractive to modern people in America, Canada, Europe, Africa, Russia, and Mexico, who are largely cut loose from their own extended families. What are the traditional functions of the family? They provide long-term personal intimacy and companionship, regulate sexual relations, ensure the continuance of society through birth and socialization of children, and provide economic support for dependents, and later, for the parents, through their children. The family of any person starts with parents itself. Parents understand the child’s strengths and weaknesses and guide the child to the right path. If the parent models thrift, the child will be thrifty. This is one reason why some children get lifted out of poverty—because their parents model good traits even if they are of meager means or could not attend the best university. #RandolphHarris 3 of 6

Parents play the biggest role in our development. Mother and Fathers are essential for our mental, physical, social, spiritual, financial, educational, and career development. Parents help us in every step of our lives. They comfort us when we are babies who come into the World crying and fussing. They provide us with love, nourishment, values, security, pleasure, culture and are the most precious gift of God for humans. A person can expect unconditional love from their mother and father and parents take great care of our upbringing. They help us overcome our negative attributes and insufficiencies. Parents are there to change our papmers when we wake up in the middle of the night wet and soiled. They take time off work to nurse us back to health when we are sick and take us to the doctor. Parents go out of their way to make us feel special on our birthday by showering us with gifts, balloons, cake, ice cream, hugs and kisses. A child with good parenting rarely fails in life. In many people’s success, the role of the parents is the foundation. Many World leaders and philosophers describe the role of their parents in their life. #RandolphHarris 4 of 6

20160623_193546Love and care are essential elements to human beings. Parents gift many blessings to their children and are directly involved in their development. They share in our happiness and sorrow equally. When a kid is sad, the parent is sad, and when you are happy, your parents are happy. They love you more than you can imagine and share a psychic bond that allows them to detect your emotions when you are unwilling to express them. Without parents, it would be very difficult for anyone to have a great life. Without parents, people have an unfulfilled life. They become isolated and face more hardships in life. The financial support of parents is a virtue of parents that helps children receive an education, develop hobbies, make long life friends, without worrying or having to work while they are still developing and forming their own personality and ideas about the World. Also, parents are your best friends, when the World seems to turn against you and harasses you, parents are there offer you moral support. Having parents at your side is a great bonding experience, as they provide immediate moral support and the strength to handle any situation. If you want your child to succeed, model the behavior you want them to embrace. #RandolphHarris 5 of 6

Every life is of equal value. There is a mother in Canada, with two young children who has cancer and needs a lifesaving treatment in America. The cost of the procedure is $650,000.00. Birch Hill Studio Inc located at 3208 30th Avenue, in Vernon, British Columbia V1T2C5 and Lbvlifestyle at 107-2900 Pandosy St. Kelown www.Lbvlifestyle.com are selling items and donating the proceeds to help save the life of this young lady. And there is also a “Go Fund Me” charity donation page setup at https://www.gofundme.com/23txyjck . As a person who had a father who suffered from cancer and ended up passing away from complications when I was young, I wanted to share this story for you and pray that if you can, you will help save the life of this mother so she can be there to support her child(ren). The most devastating thing for a child is to lose a parent or a sibling.  I do not want to see these kids going through life looking at other people and wishing that was their parent still living. Or wondering if their parent is in Heaven with a new family and forgot all about them. Or walking around praying that their parent will give them a sign to show that they are still around and still care, even if they are in spiritual form. If you can give and save a life, please do so. #RandolphHarris 6 of 6